Saturday, 19 November 2011

How Did This Natural Disaster Happen? What Is The Process Of This Disaster?

A picture of a plinian eruption
There are different types of eruptions and each has different dangers. Mt Vesuvius is a composite volcano and can erupt in two different ways.When Pompeii was buried it was a plinian eruption.The plinian eruption is the largest most violent volcanic erruption. Plinian eruptions don't have lava flowing down the side of the volcano like you see in movies (although this is the other way Mt Vesuvius can erupt).They happen when gassy magma breaks up causing lots of built up pressure.this pressure bulids up until it erupts. huge ash clouds and rocks are thrust out and can go up to 50km high!The huge ash cloud looks a bit like an umbrella tree or mushroom. The ash suffocates every thing when it lands on the ground because it lands so thick. Also the gas from the volcano is poisonous and can kill you if you breathe it in.


  1. Thats really interesting, awesome blog!! Greer

    1. I thought they got turned into ashes and then there leftovers were turned into the positions they have died in?

    2. that was a really descriptive part of history!it was the only one i could find ! it helped a LOT for my research project on POMPEII!
      my name is EMRI JAMESFRS

  2. so cool it is really interesting.madi.

  3. that is not cool at all

  4. yolo be carefolo...

  5. i do not understand this.

  6. Awesome thanks for the help

  7. #SwagYolo420
    360scoping it

  8. i mean i do not see why the hell you keep putting things like cool and swag i need to ask this is you gay like no boy that ain't gay is on this like everyone knows yolo so what are you trying to came at like stick to being a boy because honesty Anonymouse your fucking annoying

  9. bitch shut up were just doing work why are you trippen like i mean ya we do know yolo but you like talking to n obady is it wrong that were like cool and swag and stuff like that we came on this site to learn about pompeii and really all you came to do was start shit but if it's really a problem than bitch meet me somewere and i will make it pompeii o n you.............i would type more but you know i'm to busy learning

  10. bitches calm down i'm gay is that a problem

  11. yes it is you should just stick to being a boy gay people are ah so nasty and in thee bible it says mary and have sex with the opposite gender sooooo yaaqaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    1. hey dickhead, being gay is not a problem at all
